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  • Australian owned and produced.
  • 100% Comprehensive Macro & Micro formula of N, P, K, Iron and Traces
  • Concentrated All-in-one planted aquarium fertiliser.
  • Ideal for both High Tech and Low Tech set ups
  • Based on Estimative Index Formula
  • Shrimp Friendly - Very low copper concentration
  • Easy to use with pump dispenser. No measuring required.

LCA All-In-One Shrimp Safe is a liquid fertiliser that contains Macronutrients of Nitrate, Potassium and Phosphate as well as Micronutrients of Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Boron and Molybdenum. This specialised version of LCA All-In-One contains lower amounts of micronutrients such as Copper and Zinc that may be harmful to delicate ornamental shrimp species. Like LCA All-In-One Premium, this Shrimp Safe version contains concentrated amounts of vital nutrients to supply an excess weekly dosage to planted aquariums. This is known as Estimative Index, or EI dosing. At the end of each week, a 50% water change must be done to reset levels back to baseline, ensuring a steady and safe amount of nutrients is provided. The benefit of correct EI dosing is that your plants cannot be deficient in any nutrients, allowing them the best opportunity to grow. If plants are growing with difficulty, you can rule out nutrient deficiency as a cause and focus on other key areas such as lighting, filtration, flow and CO2 injection. Unlike other liquid fertilisers on the market, LCA All-In-One Shrimp Safe conveniently contains all the nutrients your plants need in one bottle, and dosage is made easy with the included pump dispenser lid. It can be used effectively in high tech aquariums or those without CO2 injection

LCA Shrimp Safe All in One Aquarium Plant Fertiliser 1Litre

SKU: a6d053be-494c-4c07-bddd-f33d83ea7cf5
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