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The Foundation Elements - it’s all about balance!

Red Sea scientists have discovered that an optimally balanced ratio between the “Foundation Elements”  makes for more energy- efficient coral growth, ensures the formation of a robust aragonite coral skeleton, and improves coral vitality.

  • With the optimally balanced Foundation Elements, you will not need to supplement new water during water changes

  • An unparalleled homogeneity of all 57 elements, formulated for reef aquariums

  • Made from natural Red Sea sodium chloride with part of the living reef in every harvested grain

Red Sea Salts - The formulas

The new formulas of Red Sea and Coral Pro salts, and our comprehensive program for professional reef care, are the products of years of research into the physiological demands of corals in the reef aquarium.

Unlike the natural reef environment, which has an immeasurable reservoir of all 57 elements, a reef aquarium is an artificial environment that is constantly affected by coral growth and other ongoing biological processes.

Coral Pro and Red Sea salts are formulated for use with RO water. Both use the same raw materials, including the unique Sodium Chloride harvested from the Red Sea Reef, and both have optimally balanced ratios between the foundation elements: Coral Pro Salt contains elevated levels of foundation elements set for accelerated coral growth, while Red Sea Salt contains natural levels set for mature aquariums and enhanced coral coloration.

When you use these optimally balanced salts, you not only save yourself the headache of adjusting the levels of the Foundation Elements with every water change, but significantly improve the well-being of your corals.

The Red Sea- Our Source and Inspiration

The Red Sea, an oasis of living creatures and coral formations, is home to many unique animals found nowhere else. Unique among the world’s tropical reefs, the Red Sea supports the largest diversity of marine fauna and has the highest density of corals. The Red Sea reef ecosystem is our inspiration and the main source of Red Sea’s Salts, allowing us to bring you the living reef in every harvested grain.


Red Sea Coral Pro Salt 20 kg


    10KM RADIUS $25

    20KM RADIUS $30

    ABOVE 20KM $45


    ABOVE 40KM $55

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